"November eleventh, eleven eleven horoscope says today is a special day" -Danny Woo
"Isn't about time you hit Super Cuts?"-Sara Pezzini
"Hey I'm a chick I'm supposed to be cute"-Sara Pezzini
"You think my hair is too long?"-Danny Woo
"Magnificent isn't it?"- Ian Nottingham
"He ran like a bitch who got his lunch money stolen, so much for the myth."-Sara Pezzini
"You won't be dissapointed she's everything you said she'd be."-Ian Nottingham
"Everyday above ground is a special day"-Sara
"Forewarned Forearmed, Grasshopper"-Danny Woo
"Hey you ever have one of those moments were you feel something really big just happened?"-Sara Pezzini
"And you don't know what it was? Never you must be nuts."-Danny Woo
"You were like a jack russell tracking a sewer rat."-Danny Woo
"Control the Witchblade Control the world."-Ian Nottingham
"Hey you are gonna go blind keeping both hands on the mouse if you know what I mean."-Gabriel Bowman
"A man can not touch the petal of the nearest flower without influenceing the course of the furthest
star."-Kenneth Irons
"You have very pretty eyes detective"-Christina Wales
"Take it easy on the Jack"-Sara Pezzini "It's him that has got to take it easy on me"-Arnold Buck
"Listen Bright eyes"-Sara Pezzini
"I was not capable of harming her"-Ian Nottingham
"I am wielder of destiny"-Kenneth Irons
"Sara Pezzini is mired in pedestrain concepts of right and wrong"-Kenneth Irons
"You are destined to fail"-Ian Nottingham
"This woman is certainly not from the wielders blood line.... she is a peasant"-Ian Nottingham
"Your arrogance is astounding"-Ian Nottingham
"It is that powerful because we believe it is"-Ian Nottingham
"Care to join me in my folly"-Kenneth Irons
"Only you can wield the woman"-Christina Wales
"Wheres that long haired asain guy"-Sara Pezzini
"Funny thing about time the squences of events some time things happen in a different order but the
result is the same"-Christina Wales
"The Witchblad isn't yours to give away"-ian Nottingham
"Please kill me It would be a favor i'd love never too return."-Ian Nottingham
"Each power each weapon has its converse its opposite."-Kenneth Irons
"Risky line of work your in"-Ian Nottingham
"Boy toy henchmen Ian Nottingham"-Sara Pezzini
"In a reverie"-Kenneth Irons
"I will destory the heretics of my vision"-Kenneth Irons
"It is about my job to know about objects of power"-Gabriel Bowman
"It's all just lore right.... until its not"-Gabriel Bowman
"The fact is there is to many convergences to many coincidences to believe it is not."-Gabriel Bowman
"She heard voives to"-Ian Nottingham
"Have you ever heard the old adage take the cause out of the man there is not cause for a man"-Ian
"You've lost your mind"-Kenneth Irons
"This isn't murder it is sacrifice"-Kenneth Irons
"We are eniemes now"-Ian Nottingham
"To my ressurection"-Danny Woo
"Blind faith with eyes wide open"-Sara Pezzini
"Take a leap of faith"-Danny Woo